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Single-purpose machines

  • Wide range of premium brand bearings from top Japanese and European producers
  • We have great technical experience and offer first-class technical support
  • We cooperate closely with technicians from the top producers
  • We provide a tailored approach  
Ložiska NSK

Single-purpose machines represent a wide and varied client base; whether mechanical presses, fork-lift trucks, injection molding machines, textile machines or very complex printing machines. Due to the variety of these machines, all types of rolling and plain bearings may be used.

Ložiskové jednotky a tělesa NSK
We offer a wide range of bearing units made of various materials and in many different designs, as well as plummer blocks, which are characterised by high toughness and very easy assembly.
Válcované kuličkové šrouby NSK
We are ball screw specialists, representing the NSK – the world's largest manufacturer of ball screws. We provide ball screw modifications and repairs too.
Lineární vedení s antikorozní úpravou
We supply a wide range of linear guides: Precision profile types, bearing types, telescopic types and precision shafts including linear bushings and other accessories.
Pružné hřídelové spojky
We offer high-quality shaft couplings manufactured in Japan; their exceptional high quality makes them the best on the market.
We are also a supplier of electromagnetic clutches, brakes and other speed adjustment parts. 
We are specialists in efficient and safe tools for bearing mounting and dismounting, as well as monitoring and diagnostics tools for controlling the operation of rotating parts. Our range of products and services can help you save on maintenance costs.
Hydraulický stahovák
Indukční ohřívač Betex 24 RSD TURBO
Dílenské sady BETEX

We supply high-quality and reliable industrial adhesives, standard and special lubricants, greases and oils and many other chemical products for industrial use.

Lepidla a tmely LOCTITE

Leaders in our industry

We strive to offer you the technically optimal solution in the shortest possible time. We save you costs and we are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

That's not all...

There are so many reasons to start a partnership with us.
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