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Pumps and compressors

  • Top quality bearings meet the high demands of pump and compressor manufacturers and users
  • Individual technical consulting and support
  • Strong support from top bearing manufacturers
  • Full range of standard bearings as well as special types of bearing
Kuličkové ložisko s kosoúhlým stykem
Válečkové ložisko EW
Soudečková ložiska NSK

Depending on the type and performance of your pumps or compressors, we offer:

We also offer bearings specially designed for pumps and compressors

Ložiska NSK do kompresorů
Ložiska do kompresorů
Ložiska s tuhým mazivem
Thanks to advanced development and new technologies, we are able to supply maintenance-free bearings filled with solid grease. As the bearing moves, this lubricant is continuously released via capillaries to ensure smooth running of the bearing.
Ložiska SPACEA
We supply a range of highly corrosion-resistant bearings which can work in wet, acidic and alkaline environments.
Hřídelové spojky STARFLEX
We offer high-quality shaft couplings of Japanese manufacture
We are specialists in efficient and safe tools for bearing mounting and dismounting, as well as monitoring and diagnostics tools for controlling the operation of rotating parts. Our range of products and services can help you save on maintenance costs.
Ruční narážecí souprava Impact 39
Indukční ohřívač Betex 24 RSD TURBO
Hydraulický stahovák BETEX
Čerpadla / Čerpadla a kompresory

Leaders in our industry

We strive to offer you the technically optimal solution in the shortest possible time. We save you costs and we are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

That's not all...

There are so many reasons to start a partnership with us.
Take a look
Coroll represents the largest manufacturers